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发布日期:2010-04-14   作者:    浏览次数:


Panel 2:Old Institutional Economics, Evolutionary Economics,Cognitive Theory


Location: Conference Room 1 ofRunRunShawBuilding


Morning (Chair: Professor Genliang JIA and Professor Xianchen ZHU)


评议人 苏志强

Mingbao CHEN, Limin HAN,Fishery Basic Operating System: An Analysis Of Historical Evolution,Ocean University of China

Discussant:Zhiqiang SU

2、刘燕 《金融中的制度方法研究》东北财经大学国际商学院

评议人Guilhem Roux

Yan LIU,The Institutional Approach Research in Finance, SchoolofInternationalBusiness ofDongbeiUniversityof Finance and Economics

Discussant: Guilhem Roux


评议人 李增刚

Zhi-guang LIU,The New Institutional Economics VS. Neoclassical Economics: Retouch or Revolution? Department of Economics and Management, Shanghai Administration Institute

Discussant:Zenggang LI



ZhihongMO, Decentralized Planning in a market economy? A critical examination of Coase’s research program,UniversityofScienceand Technology Beijing

Discussant:Ming XU

5、Guilhem Roux《持续发展需要怎样的集体行动?一个生态学和制度的方法》LAMETA, University of Montpellier


Guilhem Roux, What collective action for sustainable development? An ecological and institutional approach》LAMETA, University of Montpellier

Discussant:Yan LIU

6、苏志强 《凡勃伦产权思想评述》南开大学经济学院

评议人 陈明宝

Zhiqiang SU, A Review of Veblen's Property Rights Thoughts, NankaiUniversity

Discussant: Mingbao CHEN


评议人 黄凯南

Hongyu Guan, Xianchen ZHU ,Caixia ZHOU ,Maosen XIA, An experimental study about learning mechanisms: learning by doing and watching, Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Discussant:Kainan HUANG

8、夏茂森 朱宪辰周彩霞关宏宇,外在激励与个体的信念调整的实验研究,南京理工大学

评议人 莫志宏

Maosen XIA ,Xianchen ZHU ,Caixia ZHOU, Hongyu GUAN,Experimental Studyof ExtrinsicMotivation and Individual Beliefs Adjustment, Nanjing University of Science and Technology


9、周彩霞 朱宪辰夏茂森关宏宇《观察学习及建议学习差异的理论解释及实验检验》南京理工大学

评议人 章平

Caixia ZHOU ,Xianchen ZHU , Maosen XIA, Hongyu GUAN, The theoretical explanation and experimental test about learning by watching and learning by advice, Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Discussant:Ping ZHANG

10、朱宪辰 申瑜jie《对传统的“把握”――刻画传统的要点及基本型态》 南京理工大学

评议人 张旭昆

Xianchen ZHU, Yujie SHEN, Catching the tradition――the points and basic patterns of depicting it,

NanjingUniversityof Science and Technology

Discussant: Xukun ZHANG


AfternoonChair: Professor Xukun ZHANG and Associate Professor Zenggang LI

11、韦倩 《人类群体中强化惩罚能力和合作维持的社会机制》三张扑克-三张牌扑克-三张牌比大小 招商银行博士后流动站

评议人 朱宪辰

Qian WEI, Social Mechanisms of Enhancing the Ability of Punishment and Maintenance of Cooperation in Human Groups, The Center for EconomicResearchShandongUniversity

Discussant:Xianchen ZHU


评议人 唐绍欣

Ming XU, Metaphor of Taoist “Way” :Deduction of Physical and the Fictitious Capital Theories,

JiangxiUniversityof Finance and Economics

Discussant: Shaoxin TANG

13、晏鹰宋妍朱宪辰 《基于个体EWA学习的共享资源捐赠习俗演化仿真研究》南京理工大学

评议人 韦倩

Ying YAN, Yan SONG ,Xianchen ZHU, Evolutionary Simulation for the Convention of Commons Contribution Based on EWA Learning, Nanjing University of Science and Technology,

Discussant:Qian WEI

14、叶德珠 《消费文化、认知偏差与消费行为偏差》暨南大学经济学院金融系

评议人 孙涛

Dezhu YE, Consumer culture, cognitive and consumer behavior bias,JinanUniversity

Discussant:Tao SUN

15、章平 《知识异质性个体间策略指导行为的发生机制:一项实验研究》 深圳大学

评议人 晏鹰

Ping ZHANG, The Mechanisms of individuals strategy behavior of knowledge Heterogeneity:an experimental study, Shenzhen University

Discussant:Ying YAN

16、张旭昆 《字典式偏好序与个人选择和社会选择》浙江工商大学经济学院宁波大学商学院

评议人 夏茂森

Xukun ZHANG, Lexicographic preferences , individual and social choice, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Ningbo University

Discussant:Maosen XIA



Kainan HUANG, Institutional Economics: From the Perspective of Cognitive Rationality, The center for Economic Research,ShandongUniversity

Discussant:Caixia ZHOU



Zenggang LI, The Definition of National Interest: an Approach of New Political Economy,

The Center for Economic Research,ShandongUniversity

Discussant: Zhiguang LIU


评议人 关宏宇

Tao SUN, Kinship Group as an Informal Transacting Institution in Cultural Cleavage Structure: A Theoretic Analysis from Pair-wise Network Perspective, The Center for Economic Research,ShandongUniversity

Discussant:Hongyu GUAN



Shaoxin TANG ,The Restoration of Folk Tradition and Informal Institutional Arrangement,

The Center for Economic Research,ShandongUniversity

Discussant:Dezhu YE