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三张扑克 黄少安、王高望和王晓丹三位老师在宏观经济学国际顶级期刊Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control发表文章

发布日期:2022-05-17   作者:    浏览次数:2272

2022年5月5日,三张扑克-三张牌扑克-三张牌比大小 黄少安教授、王高望教授、王晓丹博士后与中国人民大学邱志刚副教授的合作文章”Government Intervention through Informed Trading in Financial Markets”在宏观经济学国际顶级期刊”Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control”在线发表。


Abstract: We develop a theoretical model of government intervention in which a government with private information trades strategically with other market participants to achieve its policy goal of stabilizing asset prices. When the government has precise information and prioritizes its policy goal, both the government and the informed insider engage in reversed trading strategies, but they trade against each other. Government intervention can improve both market liquidity and price efficiency, and the effectiveness of government intervention depends crucially on the quality of information possessed by the government.

Keywords: government intervention; trading; price stability; price efficiency

JEL Classifications: D8, G1