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王高望、李顺含、王谨:Romer Meets Kongsamut-Rebelo-Xie in a Nonbalanced Growth Model

发布日期:2018-05-15   作者:    浏览次数:


Gaowang Wang(王高望), with Shunhan Li(李顺含)and Jin Wang(王谨):

Romer Meets Kongsamut-Rebelo-Xie in a Nonbalanced Growth Model

此文即将发表于Economics Letters(国际B类经济学期刊)。

Abstract: To explain the newly found empirical relationship between human capital accumulation and structural change, the paper introduces Romer (1990)'s endogenous technological change into the multi-sector growth model pioneered by KRX (1997, 2001), and shows that an increase in the level of human capital accelerates the structural transformation of the economy, while the incremental effect of human capital on structural change is smaller at higher levels of human capital. The theoretical results of the combined model matches the empirical findings very well.

Keywords: Human Capital; Endogenous Technological Change; Structural Change.

JEL Classification Numbers: O14; O41.