(中心) 叶海云
Migration Policies, Urban Poverties and Rural-urban Migrations
Since 1990s, it has been a puzzle that migration policies not only do not discourage peasants from making a living in city, but also do not drive poor peasants out of city, and even make some of them poorer in city than in countryside, and aggravate urban poverties. We develop a heterogeneous rural-urban migration model to account for this puzzle. The model assumes that most of immigrants from countryside can only become floating people in cities, and search jobs in competitive labor force markets; the Chinese rural-urban gap is very large, farming income is different from that earned in cities. We show that the more severe migration policies, the stronger peasant’s desires for rural-urban migrations; discriminating migration policies even make some floating people from countryside poorer in cities than in countryside but have no desire for leaving cities and sink to be poor urban people.
Key words: market economic institutions migration policies urban poverties