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Fengrong Wang(王凤荣), William Mbanyele,and Linda Muchenje: Economic Policy Uncertainty and Stock Liquidity: The Mitigating Effect of Information Disclosure

发布日期:2021-09-27   作者:    浏览次数:

近日,山东大学王凤荣教授团队在金融学国际知名期刊Research in International Business and Finance(JCR一区,IF=4.091)上在线发表题为“Economic Policy Uncertainty and Stock Liquidity: The Mitigating Effect of Information Disclosure”的研究论文。

Abstract: We examine the relationship between economic policy uncertainty, information disclosure and stock liquidity using a large sample of Chinese firms. We first establish that economic policy uncertainty leads to declining stock liquidity. Next, we provide evidence that managers respond to uncertainty shocks to their firm’s information environment by producing more information. Cross-sectional tests indicate that voluntary information disclosure increases more for firms with higher external information demand and with no implicit guarantees. Furthermore, we find that high information disclosure quality mitigates the negative impact of heightened economic policy uncertainty on stock liquidity. This impact is more pronounced for firms with poor information environments and private firms. Additionally, we provide further evidence using cumulative abnormal returns that in periods of high economic policy uncertainty, investors react more to management earnings announcements for firms with high information disclosure quality. Finally, we uncover that increased information disclosure quality improves financial analysts forecast precision more when policy uncertainty is high.

Keywords: China; Economic policy uncertainty; Information disclosure; Information asymmetry; Stock liquidity.
