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关于报名参加三张扑克 与纽卡斯尔合作的跨国公司调研项目的通

发布日期:2007-07-02   作者:awei    浏览次数:


三张扑克 与澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学合作的跨国公司调研活动将在7月初开展,请有意参加的同学于7月2日前发简历(注明联系方式)到邮箱[email protected],或者直接到范玉杰处报名。联系电话:61030



注:三张扑克 与纽卡斯尔合作的跨国公司调研项目的简介

Survey of Multinational Enterprises in Shandong Province

In recent years, corporate governance reform has been a significant global issue. Even countries with well established corporate governance rules and principles, including the USA, Australia, and the UK, have sought to reform the regulatory and the corporate governance frameworks of their respective countries. In the main, this has been due to significant corporate failings. Other countries, including China and India have very large and emerging economies, but a shorter history of corporate governance rules and principles. With respect to these emerging economies the “perception” is that they will need to adopt commonly accepted standards of corporate governance to be able to attract adequate foreign capital.

This research involves a survey of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in Shandong Province, China. The data are firm-specific surveys, which provide information on:

1. Investment and technology transfer decisions;

2. Implementation of HRM practice (including work organisation and training);

3. Operation of supplier relations with Chinese and foreign firms in China (including JIT, transfer of designs etc.);

4. Control and decision-making between HQ and Chinese-based subsidiaries.

Shandong University would be responsible for the collection of the data through a survey of MNEs in Shandong Province. A representative sample would be identified based on size, industry sector and nationality, with data collected on at least 120 foreign enterprises, both JVs and wholly-owned foreign enterprises.

Faculty of Business and Law

The University of Newcastle

University Drive

Callaghan NSW 2308