The Ronald Coase Institute
Shanghai Workshop on Institutional Analysis
December 12-18, 2010 Shanghai, China
Co-sponsored by the School of Economics at Fudan University
Apply by September 6, 2010
Attend this workshop to
・ Learn more about institutional analysis
・ Present your own research and receive comments from established scholars
・ Become part of a worldwide network of institutional scholars.
Who is eligible?
・ Postdoctoral social scientists - early in their careers
・ Advanced graduate students - in economics, political science, and other social sciences
Participants will be selected on the basis of their research abstracts. Admission is strictly
limited, and the pace is intense. Participants must attend all sessions and give as well as
receive feedback.
As a participant, you will
Hearestablished scholars discuss strategies to formulate research questions,
design projects, present results, and draw important and practical conclusions.
Maketwo presentations of your own research
(1) in a small group with faculty guidance
(2) after revisions, to the entire workshop, with formal discussion of your work.
Networkclosely with faculty and workshop alumni from 61 countries who have an
enduring interest in institutional analysis. After the daily sessions, enjoy informal
talks with faculty and fellow participants over delicious dinners. A special event
will precede the final gala dinner.
How to apply (please read carefully and follow instructions exactly)
E-mail a one-page abstract - 350 words maximum - of a current research project
of yours, plus a one-page curriculum vitae, to[email protected].
Do thisbefore the deadline:September 6, 2010.
・ Abstract (1 page - 350 words max)
At the top,list the title, your name, and the number of words in the abstract.
Any co-authors must be listed here. (At most 1 person per research project can be
accepted.) Work already published is not eligible. Abstracts will be judged on the
clarity and importance of the research question, and on their institutional focus.
Projects with empirically testable implications are preferred.
・ CV (1 page - 1 side only)
Include your current professional status and the academic degrees you have received,
with university, year, and field of study.
Also include your citizenship, date of birth, and country of residence.
As references give the names of two scholars familiar with you and your work, with
their e-mail addresses and telephone numbers.
・ E-mail
As subject line, useApplication for 2010 Shanghai Workshop