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发布日期:2009-05-04   作者:    浏览次数:

1.标题:农地制度、劳动力迁移决策及其工资变动――基于“收入补充论”的分析框架作者:唐茂华 黄少安


【关键词】农地制度 劳动力迁移 “收入补充论”

中图分类号:F30 文献标识码:A




【关键词】制度变迁 生产绩效 农业 全要素生产率 数据包络分析

中图分类号:F019,F06 文献标识码:A


作者:石莹 赵建


【关键词】铸币需求函数 实际币值 货币稳定性

中图分类号:F726 F820.9 文献标示码:A


作者:王勋 余静文



中图分类号:F061.2 文献标识码: A


作者:曹会勤 储小平


【关键词】地方政府规制 企业家能力 政治关系能力

中图分类号:F063.1 文献标识码:A


作者:李怀 高磊


【关键词】产权结构 投资增长 耦合

中图分类号:F061.2 文献标识码:A


作者:高向飞 王相敏



中图分类号:F27 文献标识码:A


作者:洪名勇 王晓娟


【关键词】农地流转 心理契约 农地流转效率

中图分类号:F301.1 文献标识码:A


作者:陈屹立 陈刚


【关键词】威慑效应 实证研究 最优惩罚

中图分类号:F063.1 文献标识码:A


作者:江曙霞 何建勇



中图分类号:F830.33 文献标识码:A


作者:考瑞∙阿兹(Corry Azzi) 罗纳德∙艾仁伯格(Ronald Ehrenberg)

译校者:张志鹏 译 张清津 校



中图分类号:F069.9 文献标识码:A

1. Title: Land Tenure System, Labor Transfer Decision And Wage’s ChangeA Framework Of “Income Complement Theory”

Author(s):Tang Maohua Huang Shaoan

AbstractUnder the background of average land system arrangement, Chinese labor transfer decision put entering wage economy as a complement of farmland management, but not a substitution. On the base of the analysis frame of income complement theory, the author argues that the impacts of farmland system on labor transfer mainly include three aspects as following. (a) The economic value endowed by farmland system becomes a significant reason, which makes the low wage mode come into being and exists for a long time inChina. (b) The average farmland system reduces incentive force of “being compelled” labor transfer, but manufacturing morality increases the incentive of “self-determination” labor transfer that consequently promotes the labor transfer. (c) However, this kind of labor transfer is incomplete and it enforces urban-rural division of rural family structure, which impede the dissolution of Chinese urban-rural duality system and long-range development of economy and society. Hence, the key is to avoid the duality of land value, which includes innovation of farmland system, authorizing farmer the more complete land right, enhancing the grade of farmer systematization to advance the development of agricultural professional cooperating organization, giving the farmer substituting income complement after quitting farmland management, accelerating the farmland flow.

KeywordsLand tenure system; Labor Transfer; Income Complement Theory

JEL Classifications: Q15 J61

2. Title: The Changes of Rural Institutions, Agricultural Production Performances and its Dynamic Evolutions: A DEA Analysis based on the Provincial Panel Data (1978-2005) inChina

Author(s):Li Gucheng

AbstractThe institutional change is important to the economic growth. By using the Data Envelopment Analysis approach and the provincial panel data from 1978 to 2005, this paper treats the agricultural production system in a certain province as a Decision Making Unit (DMU) and analyses the effects of the major institution changes on the agricultural production performances from the theoretical and empirical aspects. The finding of our research indicates that, the effects of institutional changes on agricultural production performances are profound. Taking theHouseholdResponsibility System (HRS), the reform of agricultural products pricing system, the process of rural industrialization and urbanization, the reform of rural taxes and administrative charges, the entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the changes of agricultural finical expenditures for example, these transformations of institution play an important role in the agricultural production performances’ changes after China’s reform and opening up, and these impacts vary in the different phases. Also, the survey shows that the “growth effect” has greatly contributed to the growth of agricultural Total Factor Productivity (TFP) compared with the insufficiencyof “catching effect”, and diversities exist among the growth of TFP in each province. Besides the sustaining technological progress, the innovation of institutions is the main way to realize the improvement of production performances. Especially, based on the institutional arrangement, the authority must provide developing chances to the farmers and the agricultural sector as the others equally.

Key WordsInstitution Change; Production Performance; Agriculture; Total Factor Productivity; Data Envelopment Analysis

JEL Classifications:R11 Q19 O47

3. Title: Seigniorage, Dynamic of Coinage Value and Stability of Monetary System: Evidences from Money History

Author(s): Shi Ying Zhao Jian

AbstractCoinage economy, playing a long role in money history, is characteristic of special monetary behavior and money demand function, which determines a special dynamical path of money value. Drawing aspiration from the history character of coinage history, this paper builds a coinage model to analyze the dynamic path of substantive value determined by the optimal behavior of monetary authority under the constrain of individual money demand. We found the equilibrium money value is developed by the structure of money demand, which shows in another way the endogenous evolvement of monetary institutions. We use data in money history to validate the proposition of our model and analyze the evolvement of monetary institutions, finding that issuing fiat money in coinage economy ignoring the constrain of individual money function led to the collapse of monetary system.

Key wordscoinage demand function substantive coinage value monetary stability

JEL Classification:E41 E42

4. Title: Predation, Protection of Property Rights and Economic Growth

Author(s):Wang Xun Yu Jingwen

AbstractThis paper develops an endogenous growth model to analyze predatory activities and the influence on economic growth due to government’s protection to property right. We find that the ratio of the predatory household and the productive household’s optimal production time depend on government’s protection and will not change with time. Better government’s protection will cause less predation. Meanwhile, different kinds of returns to scale of the production function for knowledge make the government’s protection have different influences on the balanced growth path and the growth rate of output per person on the balanced growth path.

KeywordsPredation, Protection, Property Rights, Balanced Growth Path, Economic Growth.

JEL classifications: E23; O41; P14

5. Title: The Impact of Local Government Regulation on Local Economic Development

Author(s):Cao Huiqin ChuXiaoping

AbstractAt present, local government regulation plays a significant role in local economic development. Based on the several concepts about entrepreneur which named productive efforts, unproductive efforts, entrepreneurial competence and the ability of building political relationship, this paper tries to interpret the relationship between local government regulation and local economic development. This paper studies the relationship between local government regulation and entrepreneurial innovation capabilities through symbolic logic. The analysis shows that the regulation has a vital effect on the development of entrepreneurial innovation capabilities.

KeywordsLocal Government Regulation Entrepreneurial Competence

Political connections

JEL Classification: D23 O17 P21

6. Title: The Empirical Study of their internal coupling and evolutionary relationship between the Structure of Property Rights and Investment GrowthTaking Liaoning Province as Example

Author(s): Li Huai Gao Lei

[Abstract] TakingLiaoningProvinceas Example,this paper proves the interactive feature of investment growth and the structure of property rights is a complex, long-term lag coupling course, which is also a long-term coordination process. In the early evolution, their interactive negative effects appear. Once eventually the positive cross-effects appear, the investment growth produces positive thrust to the evolution of property rights structure. Especially the more prominent contribution of the evolutionary property rights structure to the increasing investment is significant. Once the property rights institution really work, the efficiency of this institutional structure will last a considerable long period. Therefore the institutional task is to shorten their initial adjustment and to weaken the initial negative effect with reducing the institution cost. In addition, empirical results show that the greater the proportion of non-public economy occurs, the more stable investment increase.

[Key Words] theStructure of Property Rights Investment Growth Coupling Course

JEL ClassificationsE02 O16

7. Title: Institutional Transition, Organizational Structure and Firm Performance: A New Institutionalism Framework

Author(s):Gao Xiangfei Wang Xiangmin

AbstractThe studies about institutional transition and organizational behaviors focus on the relationship between informal institution and firm performance. Influences of Formal institution and institution enforcement are just on strategic choice level, not extending to firm performance. This paper based on institutional transition-strategic choice framework, which is created by Peng on 2003, tries to build institution transition-firm performance framework by introducing organizational structure, which functions as a bridge between strategic choice and firm performance. Integrating the approaches of new institutionalism perspectives, we define the relational performance both from macro-level and micro-level, and put them into the analysis framework constructed above, so as to investigating the variations of firm performance at the initial stage of institutional transition. It comes to the conclusion that the relationship between formal institution and firm performance is an inverse U-curve, so does the institution enforcement; Network-centered strategy is merely effective in the initial phase of transition and can not facilitate firm performance over the long term.

KeywordsInstitutional Transition, Organizational Structure, Firm Performance

JEL ClassificationsB52, D23, L14

8. Title: OnResearchLandCirculation in Psychological Contract

Author(s):Hong Mingyong Wang Xiaojuan

AbstractThe psychological contract refers to that“A kind of subjective understanding on the bases of various forms of commitment on Rights and obligations of both sides of the exchange relationship” That is to say, once there is relationship of exchanging, there will be psychological contract of both sides whatever how the system environment changed.this text circulates 124 peasant households in GUIZHOU MEITAN and SHANXI HUNYUANas the respondent to analyze peasant household's psychological contract. Using factor analysis to extract three factors from all the Peasant household's psychological contract influence factors. They are the background of circulate target's, national customs and the state of participation of circulation of capital. We find that there are positive correlation between the three factors and peasant household's psychological contract. When we combine theory knowledge andChina's concrete national conditions analysis, we find that the psychological contract can be divided into three types: Trade type, development type and relationship type.

Keywordland circulation Psychological contract efficiency of land circulation

JEL Classification:O13 Q15 Q10

9. TitleThe Theoretical and Empirical Studies on Deterrent Theory: Past, Now and Future

Author(s): Chen Yili and Chen Gang

AbstractThe deterrent theory is founded in classical crime school. Afterward it has experienced a very long time silence and then revived in economics of crime. The theoretical and empirical studies of deterrent theory have received great progress. Through the review of current research of deterrent theory we can find out some field waiting for improvement. But the deterrence theory has much room for development and its future is full of challenges and expectations.

Key wordsdeterrent theory; empirical study; optimal punishment

JEL Classifications: K14

10. Mechanism Design on Banking Regulation and Supervisionfrom Incentive-CompatiblePerspectiveLiteratures Review and Prospect

Author(s): Jiang Shuxia Hejianyong

AbstractFrom anincentive-compatibleperspective, this paper reviews recent theories on the banking regulation and supervision. Based on protecting the benefit of the depositors, We firstly discuss why need government to regulate the banking; Secondly, we present a new analytic framework on the banking regulation and supervision after summarizing original thought on the incentive compatibility;Then we focus on how to design theincentive-compatible mechanism of thebanking regulation and supervision, that is optimal capital regulation, monitoring, market discipline and deposit insurance system; finally, we comment on whether or not the optimalmechanism of thebanking regulation and supervision is possible.

Key wordsincentive compatibility;the benefit of the depositors;mechanism of thebanking regulation and supervision

JEL Classifications:G32 G38 K22

11. Title: Household Allocation of Time and Church Attendance

Author(s):Corry Azzi Ronald Ehrenberg

Translator(s):Zhang Zhipeng

Corrector(s):Zhang Qingjin

AbstractThis paper presents the first systematic attempt by economists to analyze the determinants of individuals' participation in religious activities. A multiperiod utility-maximizing model of household behavior is developed which includes among its implications the shape of a house-hold's life-cycle religious-participation profile and the division of religious participation between husband and wife. The theory is empirically tested using statewide church-membership data and survey data on individuals' frequency of church attendance. The paper concludes by discussing several extensions of the model which lead to additional potentially testable hypotheses.

Key wordsAfterlife consumption, Church attendance, Time allocation

JEL Classifications: D01 Z12