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发布日期:2006-11-27   作者:    浏览次数:



法律与经济发展:我们知道什么?我们不知道什么? 汤姆•金斯伯格 汤姆•尤伦

中国法律经济学研究中的定量分析问题 周林彬

所有权与先占行为的挂钩和脱钩 史晋川 姚如青

农地制度对生产技术的选择效应 黄少安 刘明宇

机动车与行人间交通事故责任的最优配置 余晓莉 魏建

论法律的全球趋同 钱锦宇 赵海怡

法律起源、金融发展与经济增长 孙守纪

新股发行制度的均衡分析 翁世淳

我国东西部乡镇企业产权制度变迁的比较 张卫国

契约解构、惯性依赖与企业理论的一般阐释:一个分析框架 潘 奇

中国传统文化对中国经济发展的影响 张清津 舒萍


科斯、德姆塞茨及无休止的外部性讨论 弗雷德 S. 麦克切尼



What We Know and What We Don’t about Law and Economic Development

Tom Ginsburg Tom Ulen

The Problem of Quantitative Analysis in China’s Law and Economics Research

Zhou Lin-bin

Associating Property with Pre-occupation and Not Shi Jin-chuan Yao Ru-qing

Farmland System’s Choice-Effect upon Productive Technology Huang Shao-an Liu Ming-yu

The most superior liability rule of Vehicle-Pedestrian Traffic Accident

Yu Xiao-li Wei Jian

Global similar tendency or unification of Law Qian Jin-yu Zhao Hai-yi

Legal original 、financial development and economic growth Sun Shou-ji

Equilibrium Analysis of Initial Public Offering System Weng Shi-Chun

Division of Labor, Introduction of Institution and the Inherent Logic of Evolution of New China’s Economic Growth Shi Lei Yang De-cai

The Comparative Study of the Property Rights Institutional Changes of TVE between East and West of China Zhang Wei-guo

Contract Deconstruction, Inertia Dependence and a General Explanation of the Theory of the Firm: an Analytical Framework Pan Qi

The Effects of Chinese Culture on Chinese Economic Behavior Zhang Qing-jin Shu Ping

Coase, Demsetz, And The Unending Externality Debate Fred S. McChesney