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发布日期:2006-11-12   作者:    浏览次数:1146




――中国商业上市公司产权交易的信号传递均衡案例剖析 王冀宁

由外部性引起的交易费用:一个初步的考察 毛 亮

专业化分工和交易成本――对中国交易成本的经验估计:1978-2004 刘业进

转型中的中国货币流通速度新探索:制度视角――兼论“中国之谜” 崔 龙


――对转型期国有企业经理激励扭曲的比较制度分析 黄再胜 赵子忱

为什么全球化中民主国家的选举不那么“民主”了? 沈剑平

个体的认知进步与行为选择――以科技用户网络信息搜索行为为例 张漪 朱宪辰 章平

非诉讼纠纷解决方式的法经济学分析 周晓唯 胡 强

非诉讼纠纷解决机制(ADR)与诉讼互动的经济分析 陈慰星

国际知识产权制度演化的经济学分析――国家间博弈的视角 吴欣望 朱全涛

略论中国台湾地区“法和经济学”研究 吴锦宇

浅谈法经济学的学科定位 廖建求


论诺斯制度变迁思想的演化特征 米西尔•邹波莱克斯

李游游 王方方 译


“2006年中国法经济学论坛”综述 宋艳锴 张 勇

“2006年中国制度经济学年会”会议综述 李增刚



Research of Dynamic Evolvement Situation & Learning Mechanism in National Property Right Reformation――Analysis of some Signal-transfer Game Equilibrium Cases of Property Rights’ Bargains from Chinese Commercial Listed Companies Wang Ji-ning

Transition costs caused by externality: A preliminary examination Mao Liang

Division of Labor and Specialization and Transaction Cost

――A Empirical Estimate to China’s Transaction Cost(1978-2004) Liu Ye-jin

New Research on the Velocity of Money during the Transition Times: Prospective of Institution

Cui Long

Generalized Internal Labor Market, Government Interference and The Absence of Main Incentive Provider――A Comparative Institutional Analysis of SOE Managers Incentive Distortion During the Transition Period Huang Zai-sheng Zhao Zi-chen

Why does election be less democracy in those democratic countries under globalization?

Shen Jian-ping

Individual Cognition Progress and Agent’s Behavior Option: S&T User Information Searching Behavior on Wed Site Zhang Yi Zhu Xian-chen Zhang Pin

Law and Economics Analysis of Alternative Dispute Resolution Zhou Xiao-wei Hu Qiang

An Economic Approach to the Relations between ADR and Litigation Chen Wei-xing

The Evolution of International IPR Institutions――From the View of the Game between Countries Wu Xin-wang Zhu Quan-tao

Research on the Development of “Law and Economics” in Tai Wang Area Wu Jin-yu

Discussion about the Course Location of Legal Economics Liao Jian-qiu

On the evolutionary character of North’s idea of institutional change Michel Zouboulakis