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发布日期:2008-10-06   作者:    浏览次数:

山东大学研究生经济学刊 2009年第1期(总第九期)

“同命不同价”与“同命同价”孰是孰非? ………………… 张广辉 杨志明(1)

人口老龄化对现收现付养老保险制度的冲击: 基于三时期OLG模型的

三种解决方案的分析………………………………………………………曲双石 (12)

中国居民健康需求及医疗卫生服务需求实证研究………………………张 琳(31)


晋升激励与中国经济周期…………………………………………………薛 健(50)

金融腐败与企业破产、资金使用效率……………………………………王 安(62)

金融中介发展与经济增长…………………………………………………丁 孟(74)

中国小康社会发展阶段评价及其特征分析………………………………张 茆(86)


NO.1 2009 (GENERAL NO.9)


“The Same Value for the Life ” or " The Different Value for the Life " ?......................

………………………………………………………… Zhang Guanghui Yang Zhiming(11)

The Impact Effect of Aging Population on Pay-as-you-go System: The Analysis of Three Solutions Based on Three Times OLG Model…………………………….Qu Shuangshi(30)

The Demand for Health and Medical Care: an Empirical Analysis of the Grossman Model in China………………………………………………………………………….Zhang Lin(40)

Analysis on the Flow of the Rural Land Contract Right in Terms of Cooperation Surplus……………………………………………………………………..Shao Jingkun(49)

Promotion Base Incentives and China’s Business Cycle……………………….Xue Jian(61)

Financial Corruption on Bankruptcy, Efficiency in the use of Capital…………Wang An(73)

The development of financial intermediation and economic growth―general discussion Based on liquidity……………………………………………………………………..Ding Meng(85)

Judgment of China’s well-off society Development Stages and the Analysis of the Characters……………………………………………………………………...Zhang Mao(94)