Panel 1:Law and Economics, Contract Theory and Corporate Governance
Location: The Hall of Run Run Shaw Building
Morning: Contract theory and corporate governance (chair: Professor Fengrong WANG and Professor Zhigang SONG )
1、 陈凌 王昊 《法律环境,利他主义与家族企业代际传承》 浙江大学管理学院
Ling WANG, Hao WANG ,Legal Circumstance, Altruism and Succession of Family Firms, School of Management, School of Economics, Zhejiang University
2、崔兵 《能力、交易费用与企业边界》 湖北工业大学经济与政法学院
Bin CUI, Firm Capability, Transaction Cost and Firm Boundaries, Hubei University of Technology
Discussant: Xiaoting ZHENG
3、后小仙 《政府投资项目的契约性质:基于委托代理理论的视角》 南京审计学院
Xiaoxian HOU ,The contract nature of government’s investment projects: from the perspective of principal-agent theory, Nanjing Audit University
4、胡国恒 《制度质量与国际生产网络的组织变迁:一个广义契约模型》 河南师范大学经济与管理学院
Guoheng HU, Quality of institution and the organizational change of international production network: a generalized contract model, Henan Normal University
5、李石强 《为隐藏信息而建立企业》 中国青年政治学院经济系
Shiqiang LI ,Founding a Firm in Order to Conceal the Information, China Youth University for Political Sciences
6、刘白兰 李江涛 《政府掠夺、内部人合谋与公司治理》 广东金融学院保险系 广东技术师范学院会计学院
Bailan LIU,Jiangtao LI ,Predatory Government,Insider Collusion and Corporate Governance,
Guangdong University of Finance, Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
7、谭华清 《超边际决策、不确定性与双胞胎契约》 吉林大学经济学院
Huaqing TAN, Infra-marginal decision making , uncertainty and twin-contracts, School of Economics,
8、王凤荣 任萌 张富森 《政府干预、治理环境与公司控制权市场的有效性》 三张扑克-三张牌扑克-三张牌比大小
Fengrong WANG, Meng REN,Fusen ZHANG, Government Intervention, Governance Circumstance and Efficiency of the Market for Corporate Control, The Center for Economic Research Shandong University
9、于蔚 《企业如何融资:资本结构理论的一个文献综述》 浙江大学经济学院
Wei YU,How does firm finance: a review of capital structure theory, School of Economics,