英文授课博士专业 (点击下载)
四、 奖学金名额:84名
五、 奖学金内容
邮编:250100 联系电话:+86-(0)531-88364854
(4) 我校将组织专家综合考虑申请者的学业成绩、学术能力、科研成果和导师意见,从申请者中择优选拔奖学金候选人。我校将于2015年4月下旬向中国国家留学基金委提交奖学金候选人名单,由国家留学基金委对名单进行最终审核。
(5)奖学金结果预计将于2015年6月中旬确定,我校将为奖学金获得者尽快寄发《录取通知书》和《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201 表)。
地址:中国·济南·山大南路27号 邮政编码:250100
电话:+86-(0)531-88364854 传真: +86-(0)531-88565051
E-mail:[email protected]
Application for 2015 “Chinese Government Scholarship- University Postgraduate Program”
As one of the universities assigned by Ministry of Education, Shandong University (SDU) enrolls full-time scholarship students to study graduate degrees. The scholarships are as follows:
一、Admission Requirements
(1)Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health.
(2)Applicants must not be registered students in Chinese universities at the time of application (applicants from Chinese universities must have graduated for more than one year).
(3)Educational background and age limit:
-Applicants for master’s degree studies must have bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35.
-Applicants for Ph.D. degree studies must have master’s degree and be under the age of 40.
(4)Chinese language requirements:
-Applicants for master's degree in Chinese-taught programs: new Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) Level 5, 180 points or above.
-Applicants for Ph.D. degree in Chinese-taught programs: new Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) Level 6, 180 points or above.
Postgraduate Programs in Chinese Medium (Download)
Ph.D. Programs in Chinese Medium (Download)
Postgraduate Programs in English Medium (Download)
Ph.D. Programs in English Medium (Downlaod)
For detailed information regarding programs prospectus, please visit://www.ipo.3cardplay.com/index.php?m=content&c=index&a=lists&catid=94
Please note that this scholarship does not include students who study foreign language and literature majors such as their mother language, English, French, etc.
三、Duration for the Scholarship
Postgraduate students: 2-3 years (same with the duration for study)
Ph.D. students:4 years (same with the duration for study)
Please note that if you hold scholarships in Chinese-taught programs, but your Chinese language level does not meet the academic requirements, one-year Chinese language study is required after your arrival in China, and you could commence academic study after you had passed exams in the language study class.
四、Scholarship Number:84
五、Scholarship Coverage
Full scholarship covers tuition, medical insurance, on-campus accommodation, textbooks and materials, and living allowance for every month is also provided.
Please visit China Scholarship Council (CSC)www.csc.edu.cn/laihuafor more information.
六、Application Period:1st January 2015—20th March 2015
七、Application Procedure
(1)Please log on to the China Scholarship Council Online Application System for International Studentswww.csc.edu.cn/laihua(admission code of Shandong University: 10422) and register. After you fill up the application form, please print the form out and sign your name on it.
(2)Submit your application form with other materials to the Admission Office of International Students at the Department of International Affairs of SDU by post before the due date 20th March 2015.
Address: C302, Mingde Building, Shandong University, 27 Southern Shanda Rd, Jinan, P. R. China
Post code: 250100 Tel: +86-(0)531-88364854
(3)Please regularly check your emails in order to receive messages from Shandong University in time.
(4)SDU will examine the materials in accordance with the principles of competitive selection (achievements from academic study and science research, evaluation of professors etc.), and select candidates from applicants. We will send the candidates list to CSC by the end of April 2015, and they would finally determine the scholarships.
(5)The result is predicted to be published in the mid June of 2015, and we would soon send to those who had got the scholarships with an Admission Notice letter and the Visa Application Form for Study in China (Form JW201).
八、Contact Us
Admission Office of International Students, Department of International Affairs, Shandong University
Address: 27 Southern Shanda Rd, Jinan, P. R. China
Post code: 250100
Tel: +86-(0)531-88364854 Fax: +86-(0)531-88565051
E-mail:[email protected]