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The Ronald Coase Institute Santiago Workshop on Institutional Analysis
发布时间:2012年06月27日 00:00   作者:   点击:[]

The Ronald Coase Institute

SantiagoWorkshop on Institutional Analysis

December 9-15, 2012 Santiago, Chile

Co-sponsored with Adolfo Ibáñez University

Apply by July 20, 2012

Attend this workshop to

Hearestablished institutional scholars discuss research and strategies to

formulate questions, design projects, present results, and draw conclusions.

Presentyour own research and receive comments

− in a small group with faculty guidance

− after revising, to the entire workshop, with formal discussants.

Networkclosely with faculty and other young scholars who have an enduring interest in institutional analysis. After the daily sessions, enjoy informal conversations with faculty and participants during delicious dinners. The workshop closes with a special event and gala dinner. Upon graduation become part of a worldwide scholarly network with alumni in 65 countries.

Who is eligible?

• Postdoctoral social scientists - early in their careers

• Advanced graduate students - in economics, political science, management, law,

and other social sciences.

Participants will be selected competitively on the basis of their research abstracts, CVs, andreferences. Admission will be limited to 26 participants at most. The pace is intense.Participants must attend all sessions and give as well as receive feedback.

How to apply (please follow instructions exactly)

E-mail a 1-page abstract - 350 words maximum - of a current research project

of yours, plus a 1-page curriculum vitae, to[email protected].

Do this before the deadline: July 20, 2012.

All materials must be in English, which is the language of the workshop.

• Abstract (1 page - 350 words max)

At the top, list the title, your name, and the number of words in the abstract.

Any co-authors must be listed here. (At most 1 person per research project can be

accepted.) Work already published is not eligible. Abstracts will be judged on the

clarity and importance of the research question, and on their institutional focus.

Projects with empirically testable implications are preferred.

• CV (1 page - 1 side only)

Include 1) your current professional status, 2) the academic degrees you have received,with university, year in which degree was received, and field of study, 3) your publications, 4) citizenship, 5) full date of birth, 6) country of residence, 7) contact information, 8) the names of two scholars familiar with you and your work who are willing to write a brief reference for you, with their affiliations, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers. (These two scholars cannot be co-authors of your research project.)

• E-mail

As your subject line, useApplication for 2012 Santiago Workshop – yyy(where yyy is your surname). Attach your abstract and CV as Microsoft Word .doc files only,using filenamesyyy abstract.docandyyy cv.doc(where yyy is your surname).


The cost of the workshop – tuition, meals, and housing - is $2500 USD. This does not includetravel expenses. All participants must stay in workshop housing.

Many fellowshipswill be awarded competitively to scholars for whom the workshop cost is a

hardship, to cover tuition, meals, and housing.If you wish to be considered for a fellowship, include a statement of your financial needs,explaining why you need the fellowshipand whether other funding is available for you. Attach it as a Microsoft Word .doc file,using filenameyyy fellowship request.doc(where yyy is your surname).All participants are responsible for paying their own travel expenses.


The workshop organizers are Mary Shirley (Ronald Coase Institute), Alexandra Benham (Ronald Coase

Institute), and Jorge Fabrega (Adolfo Ibáñez University).

See//www.coase.orgfor more information about the workshop and the Ronald Coase Institute.

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