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Conference Announcement and Call for Papers
发布时间:2020年02月02日 17:30   作者:李敬聪   点击:[]


               Conference Announcement and Call for Papers


2020 Conference and JEDC Special Issue on

Markets and Economies with Information Frictions


Shenzhen and Jinan, August, 22-24, 2020

Co-sponsored by

Peking University Sargent Institute of Quantitative Economics and Finance (SIQFE), Shandong University Center for Economic Research (SDUCER), and the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

Peking University Sargent Institute of Quantitative Economics and Finance (SIQFE) and Shandong University Center for Economic Research (SDUCER) are organizing a conference on Markets and Economies with Information Frictions, to be held in Shenzhen August 22-23 and Jinan August 24, 2020. The conference is co-sponsored by the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (JEDC) under its dual review system. The Center for Macroeconomy and Finance (CMF) of Peking University and Ping An Macroeconomics Research Institute co-organize and provide logistics support for the conference


Keynote Speaker: Wei Xiong (Princeton)


Program Committee: Hengjie Ai (Minnesota), Snehal Banerjee (UCSD), Jess Benhabib (NYU), Giovanni Cespa (City), Will Cong (Cornell), Eduardo Dávila (Yale), Diego Garcia (Colorado), Itay Goldstein (Wharton), Shiyang Huang (HKU), Zhen Huo (Yale), Ron Kaniel (Rochester), Xuewen Liu (HKUST), Nadya Malenko (Boston), Jordi Mondria (Toronto), Cecilia Parlatore (NYU), Francesco Sangiorgi (Frankfurt), Xianwen Shi (Toronto), Michael Sockin (UT Austin), Talis Putnins (UTS), Yajun Wang (Baruch), Yizhou Xiao (Chinese U HK), Hongjun Yan (DePaul),  Ming Yang (Duke), Yao Zeng (Washington), and  Haoxiang Zhu (MIT).


Organizing Committee/Conference Co-chairs and JEDC Special Issue Guest Editors:

· Tony He, Co-Editor of Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control; Business School, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

· Pengfei Wang, Department of Economics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China; Peking University HSBC Business School, Shenzhen, China

· Liyan Yang, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada; and the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, US


Conference Structure. About 12 papers will be accepted for presentation in plenary sessions over a day and one-half in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, PR China. The day after the conference, interested participants will be invited to join a one day workshop as a continuation of the event in SDUCER, Jinan, Shandong Province, PR China. The conference will cover travel expenses for presenting authors and discussants.


JEDC Combined Submission Option: At the authors’ option, papers submitted to the conference will, in addition, be considered for publication at the JEDC free of charge. With the dual submission option, the submitted papers will belong to the following three categories:

· Type 1: Dual submission to BOTH the conference and the JEDC;

· Type 2: Submission ONLY to the JEDC SI;

· Type 3: Submission Only to the conference.

The rules for the dual submission process are as follows:

· On type-1 papers, authors must expressly indicate interest in consideration by the JEDC. Papers submitted for dual consideration must not be under review at another journal or the JEDC, nor can they be considered for dual submission if previously rejected by the JEDC. In the event that a dual submission that has been invited to submit to the JEDC is subsequently rejected, its authors have the option to submit a future version of their paper to the JEDC without prejudice. While under consideration as a dual submission by the conference and the JEDC, a paper may not be submitted to another journal (or the JEDC) until the author has been notified of the dual submission outcome.

· On type-2 papers, authors are invited to submit to the JEDC SI through the JEDC webpage: //www.editorialmanager.com/JEDC/default.aspx

· For both type-1 and type-2 submissions, the JEDC will waive the fee on such submissions, and have the submission formally reviewed. Authors will receive a copy of the JEDC reviewer report(s).


Paper Submissions. Information is a key driver of agents’ economic decisions since every decision is made based on an information set. At a broad level, information is relevant to most economic theories and particularly relevant to the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.  


The Conference will provide a venue for presentation of the very best academic research on markets and economies with information frictions, both theoretical and empirical, as well as on related but not limited to the following topics:

· Asset pricing, informational efficiency, market liquidity, and corporate investments;

· Macroeconomics and information design;

· Digital economy.

All these research questions center on information frictions. These topics are important and popular among academia, financial industry, and market regulators (like many central banks’ mandates). This JEDC SI aims to promote this broad areas of research.


Electronic submissions of unpublished papers can be made

· Both type-1 and type -3 submissions: via conference maker website: //editorialexpress.com/conference/MEIF2020/

· Type-2 submissions: via the JEDC webpage:


The deadline for submissions is May 20, 2020, and authors of type-1 submissions will be notified by June 15, 2020.


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