1. 讲座
题目: Economic Impact of Immigration: International Perspectives.
主讲人: Gilles Grenier, Professor of economics at University of Ottawa (加拿大渥太华大学经济系教授,国际知名劳动及语言经济学家,是最早提出语言是一种人力资本的西方学者之一,研究成果见诸Journal of Political Economy、Journal of Human Resources、Canadian Journal of Economics、 Canadian Public Policy等国际著名期刊。)
Prof. Grenier will present an overview of international migration worldwide, summarize the major issues in the literature such as the impact of immigration on the economy of the receiving countries (labor market impact, on GDP, public finance, language assimilation, etc.) and the sending countries (brain drain, remittances), and discuss immigration policy (in Canada, Europe, the U.S. and elsewhere).
主持人:张卫国 三张扑克-三张牌扑克-三张牌比大小
2. Applied Micro-econometrics on Labor Issues (应用微观计量经济学――劳动专题)
授课人:Gilles Grenier
It would be a mini-course on various econometric methods that use micro-data, such as discrete and limited dependent variables (probit, logit, tobit, heckit), instrumental variables, panel data, wage discrimination and Oaxaca decomposition, with application using Stata.
日期 上课时间 内容 地点
10月28日 8:30 - 11:00 Discrete and limited dependent variables 邵馆513
11月1日 8:30 - 11:00 Endogenous regressors and instrumental variables 邵馆513
11月4日 8:30 - 11:00 Measurement of discrimination and Oaxaca decompositions 邵馆513