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The Articles’ Formula of Institutional Economics Study
Updat:Sep 9, 2007   Author:worthdoor   Click:[]

In order to standardize the articles’ formula of Institutional economics Study, the editing section of this journal requires all articles published should adhere to the following formula:

Except overseas scholars, all writers are required to use Chinese. Authors ought to copy his paper into three pieces and deliver them to editing section of institutional economics, SDUCER, NO.27 South Shan Da Road, Jinan Shandong, 250100;or send e-mail to[email protected]or[email protected].

The first page of the article includes ① Title ② Name of the author, Working Place, Communication Address, Telephone Number and E-mail Address ③ Thanks words(if possible)

The second page of the article includes① Title② Abstract within 200 words③ Three Key words in Chinese ④ CLC ⑤ WM⑥ Title in English⑦ Abstract within 200 words in Chinese⑧ Three numbers of JEL(Journal of Economic Literature Classification)

All the articles should be edited with Microsoft Word. The title, tables and graphs in the theses ought to be attached to the consecutive numbers; the explanations should be in the form of footnote other than tail note; the title should be in the middle of the top, number in Chinese, NO. 4 Characters, boldness, Song Style; subtitles on the left, number in Chinese, No.5 Characters, boldness, Song Style; other numbers are allowed to use Arabian numbers; lines’ distance should be single line, characters of the text use NO.5, Song Style.

the reference of the theses ought to be put in the end of the text, ranked in the alphabet order of referred authors’ names. A example:

Alchian, Armen A., 1950, “Uncertainty, Evolution, and Economic Theory”, Journal of Political Economy, LVIII (3), June, pp.211~221.

Tullock, Gordon, 1998, On Voting: A Public Choice Approach, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc.

the translated texts need showing the original place of the reference and whether you are allowed to quote; translated texts do not need English and Chinese abstracts, reference needs not translating into Chinese; all foreign names and key Proper nouns are quoted in the brackets.

Please not deliver one paper many times. If the articles you send is not justified in three months, please deal with it yourself and we will not return your paper. You can use e-mail to ask the justifying process in two months after you send your articles.




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