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Research of Institutional Economics, Vol.27 (No. 1 2010)
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Research of Institutional Economics, Vol.27 (No. 1 2010)

Title; Author(s); Abstract; Key Words; JEL Classifications

1. Title: The Chinese Style of Decentralization,Urban-Biased Economic Policy and Urban-Rural Disparity

Author(s):Ma Guangrong Yang Enyan

Abstract:Urban-biased economic policy is a great source of China’s urban-rural income inequality. Fiscal decentralization and the competition between local governments have encouraged local governments to carry out urban-biased economic policy. Using the provincial panel data set from 1986 to 2004, the paper finds that, the Chinese style of decentralization has motivated local governments to adopt urban-biased economic policy, which has enlarged urban-rural income disparity. The research also shows that, the effects which the Chinese style of decentralization brings on urban-rural disparity have horary differences and regional differences.

Keywords:Fiscal Decentralization; Governments Competition; Urban-Rural Income Inequality; Urban-Biased Economic Policy

JEL Classifications: F25

2. Title: Local Government Competition and China’s Economic Growth――An Empirical Research Based on City-level Panel Data

Author(s):Zhao Huiyu

Abstract:Based onChina’s rapid economic growth, it has been called China Miracle. In recent years, new political economics has been induced to explain the phenomena. By implement decentralization, local government competition market has come into being. The income-expenditure competition, FDI competition, infrastructure competition, financial resource competition is forming between local officials due to promotion incentive, brings more capital and other resources. This paper is setting up a general framework of local government competition perspective. Then it tests difference competition behaviors by using city-level panel data. It shows that local government competition accelerates China’s economy growth. Different competition behaviors bring in different districts, different rank cities.

Keywords:local government competition, economic growth, panel data

JEL Classification: C23 H77 O47

3. Title: Household Registration, Economy Growth and Income Disparity

Author(s):Deng Kebin Ding Juhong

Abstract:This paper innovatively introduces the household registration variable into an augment Solow economy growth model and establishes an development economic model considering government policy orientation; besides brings to bear dynamic optimization technique to analyze the relation among economy growth, income disparity and the household registration. Then the paper designs index about household registration and gives empirical evidence of the theoretical model. This paper discovers the household registration is propitious to increase the per capita economic growth rate of center cities in developed region. But it reduces the economic growth rate in less developed region and widens the income disparity. In other regions, we doesn’t discover that effect.

Key Words:Household registration, Economy growth, Income disparity

JEL Classifications: J61 J68 J31

4. Title: The competitiveness of administrative regions and the consideration and distribution of industries

Author(s):Liu Xiaodong

Abstract:The research about the consideration and distribution of industries is mostly under the condition of absolute

Last:Research of Institutional Economics, Vol.28 No.2 2010 Next:Research of Institutional Economics, Vol.26 (No. 4 2009)


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