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Language, and its Origin and Change: An Economic Inquiry from Institutional Perspective
Updat:Mar 8, 2009   Author:Jack   Click:[]

Language, and its Origin and Change: An Economic Inquiry from Institutional Perspective

Weiguo Zhang

Center for Economic Research, Shandong University

Abstract:This paper first thought that langauage is a kind of social institution from the perspective of institutional economics. Based on this view, the paper discusses the institutional connotation of language, and argues that language is the institution of "institutions". Furthermore, starting with the efficiency evaluation problem of language as an institution, this paper deals with some basic issues of language as an institution such as "the origin of language", "the general mechanism of language change", "the possible equilibrium of language assimilation and diversity during language change", and comes up with a number of assumpsions and inference.

Key words:language, institution, orign, change, assimilation and diversity


Any questions or interests in language and economics, welcome to contact: [email protected]

Last:A. Goncu, M. O. Karahan, and T. U. Kuzubas: Pricing of Temperature-based Weather Contracts for Turkey Next:The Language of Economics and the Economics of Language


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