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Series lectures of “Microeconometrics Frontier” successfully concluded
Updat:Aug 6, 2012   Author:admin   Click:[]

Series lectures of “Microeconometrics Frontier” were hold from July 2, 2012 to July 4, 2012 at the Center for Economic Research, and were given by the Academician of the Econometric Society, Professor Arthur Lewbel from Boston College in the United States.

There were three classes of “Microeconometrics Frontier” series lectures. The topic of the first class was “Binary Choice with Endogenous or Mismeasured Regressors”, Professor Lewbel introduced the model and normalizations firstly, and then talked about comparison of Parametric and Semi-parametric estimators, which included Linear Probability Model; Maximum Likelihood; Control Functions and Special Regressor (at length). In the second class, Professor Lewbel explained what are nonparametric, semi-parametric estimators as well as when do we use these kind of estimators. The last class mainly focused on some applications, which included the type of convergence, multivariate density estimation and other nonparametric regression estimation. Professor Lewbel finally introduced a semi-parametric example: estimation for index model as well as its advantages and disadvantages.

Professor Lewbel and teachers of Shandong University also had an academic meeting on July 3, 2012. Professor Lewbel recently research on the issue of model identification. Firstly, he communicated with each teacher on their respective research topics at the meeting, and also exchanged his opinions and suggestions. And then, they had a further discussion on frontier problems of micro-econometrics. All participants finally exchanged their point of view on China and the world’s economic hotspots. The meeting was held successfully, and achieved the objective of academic communication.

Last:Professor Shaoan Huang has been elected as a chairman of “China Language and Economics Forum” Next:Teachers and students of CER participated in 2012 international symposium of Chinese Economists Society


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