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Prof. Huang Attends 2009ICEA-FAA at University of Bucharest
Updat:Dec 15, 2009   Author:Jack   Click:[]

On November 14-15, 2009, Prof. Huang Shaoan, director of Center for Economic Research, SDU, was invited to attend 2009 ICEA-FAA(Conferinţa Internaţională de Economie şi Administraţie) at University of Bucharest, Romania.

This conference focuses on the frontiers of economic theorectical research and other heated issues since 2007 finacial crisis. Experts and scholars are invited from US, China, France, Japan, Italy and Greece, etc. ICEA-FAA is an annual conference mainly open to American and European scholars, and it has a good reputation among above areas. One of Prof. Huang's paper is accepted by the conference this year, and this is the first time ICEA-FAA invites Chinese scholars.

University of Bucharest was founded in 1864, and it is very famous in Europe. After the conference, Prof. Huang met the host Prof. Plaitis, the president ofFaculty of Administration and Business for a cooperative talk. They reach an agreement on many issues such as faculty visiting, student exchange and academic cooperation.

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