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SDUCER hosted the sixth Chinese Young economists Forum
Updat:Sep 25, 2006   Author:awei   Click:[]

Hosted by editorial board ofEconomic Research, Institute for Economic Study of the Chinese Academy of Social Science, Guanghua School of Management of Peking University, Institute for Advanced Study of Wuhan University, Center for Economic Research of Shandong University (SDUCER), the sixth Chinese Young economists Forum was held on September 23 to 24, 2006, at Weihai, Shandong province. Researcher Shucheng Liu, dean of Institute for Economic Study of the Chinese Academy of Social Science, Professor Weiying Zhang, dean of Guanghua School of Management of Peking University, and Professor Shao’an Huang, dean of SDUCER, attended the forum as special guests and gave lectures titledThe Growth andVolatility of Chinese Economy,Economist and Public PolicyandFundamental Theoretical Issues of Institutional Economics, respectively.

The Chinese Young economists Forum aims to promote young economists’ research in China, and to enhance academic communication among young economists, and to train new forces for economic research. The forum opens mainly to economists under 40. From the forum opening notice calling for papers released in February 2006, nearly 400 papers were received, among which 120 papers were selected by the experts to be discussed on the Forum. More than 100 young economists attended the Forum. They came from Peking University, Tsinghua University, Shandong University, Wuhan University, Zhejiang University,Fudan University, Nankai University, China Renmin University, Xiamen University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Science and other famous universities or institutes.

The forum was divided into four groups according to four topics:(1) Macroeconomic theory and policy; (2) microeconomic theory and practice; (3) theory and practice of finance; and (4) research on Chinese economic problems.

Last:Young Economics Scholars from SDU and FDU Assembled SDUCER Next:SDUCER hosted China’s Annual Meeting for Institutional Economics of 2006


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