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Center for Economic Research held the celebration meeting of 20th anniversary
Updat:Jun 20, 2016   Author:   Click:[]

Center for Economic Research (CER) held the celebration meeting of 20th anniversary at Shandong University on June 18, 2016. Leaders and representatives of the government, famous scholars of foreign top Universities and scholars of schools of economics of top inland Universities attended the meeting. More than 400 people attended this meeting including Alumni, teachers and students. The meeting was presided by dean Shaoan Huang of CER.


Shouxin Li, secretary of the party committee of the SDU, attended the meeting on behalf of Shandong University and made a speech, in which he spoke highly of the achievement of CER has made during the past 20 years. Then he inspired CER to study and follow the President Xi’s instructions and reach a higher level.


ZhongMin Wang, vice chairman of the National Council for Social Security Fund, director of institute of economics Chinese academy of social sciences and other important conventioneers also made speeches to convey their congratulations and Recognition. Hongfeng Zhang and Kainan Huang are the representative of postgraduate student and doctor student respectively, they made the speech before dean Huang’s acknowledgement which represented the end of the meeting.


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