2006 Graduate:
Survey of Multinational Enterprises in Shandong Province will belaunchedin early July,students who have interest in the survey should send your resume to[email protected]or contactwith Yu Jie Fan。TEL:61030
Brief introduction to Survey of Multinational Enterprises inShandongProvince
In recent years, corporate governance reform has been a significant global issue. Even countries with well established corporate governance rules and principles, including the USA, Australia, and the UK, have sought to reform the regulatory and the corporate governance frameworks of their respective countries. In the main, this has been due to significant corporate failings. Other countries, including China and India have very large and emerging economies, but a shorter history of corporate governance rules and principles. With respect to these emerging economies the “perception” is that they will need to adopt commonly accepted standards of corporate governance to be able to attract adequate foreign capital.
This research involves a survey of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in Shandong Province, China. The data are firm-specific surveys, which provide information on:
1. Investment and technology transfer decisions;