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Lecture 1 on behavioral experimental economics,2022
Updat:Apr 6, 2022   Author:   Click:[]

Topic:Encouraging Engagement in Classroom Learning: A Field Experiment

Speaker:Associate Professor Xiao Liu 

Time:April 8, 2022  14:30

Location: Tencent meeting number:409107304

Abstract:Decay is a central problem in the process of achieving long-term goals, especially in education. In  this  field  experiment,  we  utilize  a cognitively  taxing  task:  note-taking,  to  examine how the timing of task assignment affects students’ learning dynamics and performance.  We find that assigning low ability students to the middle of the semester helps them achieve better academic performance, including attending more lectures,  obtaining higher homework grades and exam grades, which is consistent with our theory predictions. Interestingly, in terms of exam grades, students assigned to the late part of the semester perform equally well with those assigned to the middle.

Introduction of the speaker:Xiao Liu, Associate Professor at the School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University. Her research interests include experimental economics, behavioral economics, market design and information economics. she is an Associate Editor of Management Science,Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. Her papers have been published in Management Science, Games and Economic Behavior, And Journal of Development Economics,etc.

Last:Lecture 2 on behavioral experimental economics,2022 Next:Class Schedule for International students (2017)


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