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Lecture 5 on behavioral experimental economics,2022
Updat:Jun 7, 2022   Author:   Click:[]

Topic: Shame, Guilt, and Motivated self-confidence

Speaker: Associate Professor Xiaojian Zhao

Time: June 9, 2022  14:00

Location: Zoom, meeting number: 620-262-6641 password: 707968, or via the link: //monash.zoom.us/j/6202626641? The PWD = blUycDZydHNENzZNayt5R29RdnNlZz09

Abstract: The available evidence from anthropology, economics, and psychology suggests that sensitivity to the emotions of shame and guilt varies across cultures.So does (over)confidence in ability and skills. Is there a connection between these observations? We address this question theoretically and empirically. We find significant evidence, consistent with our model, of a negative relationship between the cultural importance of shame relative to guilt and individual confidence. The relationship holds across countries, and for US immigrants relative to the culture of origin countries.

Introduction of the speaker: Xiaojian Zhao is an associate professor at Monash University and the director of Monash Laboratory for Experimental Economics (MonLEE). His research covers contract theory with its applications in industrial organization and finance, and behavioral and experimental economics with particular focuses on motivated beliefs. He has published in journals such as Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economic Studies, Management Science, Games and Economic Behavior, Experimental Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, etc.

Last:Shandong University Economic Lecture 1,2022 Next: Lecture 4 on behavioral experimental economics,2022


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