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Shandong University CER’s Professors and Doctoral Student Present at Singapore Conference
Updat:Sep 5, 2015   Author:admin   Click:[]

Three Shandong University CER faculty members and a doctoral student presented their research papers at the recent Singapore Economic Review Conference held in Singapore on 5-7 August, 2015. Associate professor Chen Lin delivered his paper, “Render unto Hotelling and Knight What Belongs to Them: Equilibrium Exhaustible Resource Price Dynamics with Ambiguity”, detailing how ambiguity aversion contributes to exhaustible resource pricing. Assistant professor Jingping Li discussed “Reciprocity and Altruism: Intra-social Preferences”, explaining that altruism and reciprocity are of similar level of strength in motivating individuals to give. Meanwhile, Assistant professor Kevin Chua presented “Overlapping-Generation Model and the Optimal Household Saving Rule in China”, laying out a framework to explain the breakdown of consumption smoothing in China. Doctoral student Ms. Susu Wang also attended the conference, presenting her paper, “Do Fertility Choices Increase the Survival of Widows? Evidence from a Large Dataset of China, 1971-1909 (CMGPD-LN)”. She was accompanied by her dissertation adviser, Associate professor Roland Cheo. The international conference draws in the participation of professional economists in central banks, private sector organizations, international organizations and academia, and students of economics. This year’s keynote speaker was Ravi Menon, Managing Director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

Last:Associate Prof Roland Cheo and Assist. Prof Li Jingping visited University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University Next:Roland Cheo and Li Jingping Attended 2014 ESA International Meeting


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