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China rights experts refute Amnesty International report
Updat:Apr 9, 2008   Author:lj   Click:[]

www.chinaview.cn2008-04-08 23:35:24


Special report:Dalai clique's separatist activities condemned BEIJING, April 9 (Xinhua) -- The Amnesty International report issued after the unrest in Lhasa and ahead of the Olympics to assail China's human rights record was to "create hurdles for China's peaceful development", human rights experts said here on Tuesday. Chen Shiqiu, the China Society for Human Rights Studies vice-chairman, said some Western countries "always observe China through tainted glasses, and they are unwilling and uncomfortable to see the country's rapid development". Speaking at a seminar, Chen said the report echoed the Dalai Clique and Tibetan separatists outside China so as to sabotage the Olympics. "They always oppose China so they don't want the country to successfully host the Games." He added the report was to slander and attack China under the pretense of human rights so as to damage the nation's peace and stability as well as ethnic unity and social progress. The London-based Amnesty International issued a report on March31 that assailed China's human rights record, criticized its handling of the Lhasa unrest and urged the International Olympic Committee and world leaders to pressure the country. Xiong Lei, director of the China Society for Human Rights Studies, a non-governmental organization, said Amnesty International should learn some basic human rights knowledge. The report held China "cracked down on Tibetan protestors" but in fact, the so-called protestors were criminals that involved in assaults, vandalism, looting and arson, she said. "They were human rights destroyers instead of human rights fighters." "Likewise, those separatists have nothing to do with human rights. Any government that protects human rights is entitled to exercising legal sanctions over criminals. That's a real protection of human rights." Liu Hainian, a research fellow of the Institute of Law under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said Amnesty International claimed huma

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