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Wei Qian,Jiang Shuguang: How Is Social Cooperative Order Possible: Exploring Mysteries
Updat:Oct 15, 2013   Author:admin   Click:[]

Abstract:Cooperation between genetically unrelated individuals in large groups constitutes the main feature of human society. So we want to know how social order is possible. Or, which kind of the unique features of human can lead to cooperation between strangers in large groups? This problem attracts almost all the researchers in social sciences. However, there are still many mysteries about this issue. Maybe only relying on a single discipline is very difficult to answer the question. So we try to explore this basic problem of social science in an inter-disciplinary perspective in this paper.

Keywords:social order, cooperation, first-order free rider, second-order free rider, neuroeconomics

JEL Classification:D710

Last:Wei Qian, Wang An and Wang Jie: The Rise of China's Coastal Areas: Power of Market Next:Jiang Shuguang,Wei Qian: Belief and Psychological Games: Theory, Evidence and Applications


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