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William Mbanyele and Fengrong Wang:Economic policy uncertainty and industry innovation: Cross country evidence
Updat:Mar 17, 2022   Author:   Click:[]

Recently,  William Mbanyele and Fengrong Wang published  a paper entitled: Economic policy uncertainty and industry innovation: Cross country evidence in the Journal of The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance.

Abstract: We use the fixed effects identification strategy to examine the impact of economic policy uncertainty on innovation using cross-country industry data and how country institutions moderate this relationship. Our findings show that economic policy uncertainty impedes innovation across all five innovation proxy measures; patent counts, patenting entities, citations per patent, patent originality, and patent generality. Our study uncovers three economic mechanisms that potentially explain the negative relationship between economic policy uncertainty and technological innovation. We show that patent counts, patenting entities, patent citations, patent originality, and patent generality fall following high economic policy uncertainty episodes via the risk-tolerance, financial, and information channels. We also provide evidence that the adverse effects of economic policy uncertainty on innovation are moderate in countries with higher levels of transparency, more liberalized financial markets and higher property and patent rights protection. Our paper provides evidence on the real effects of economic policy uncertainty shocks on the economy.

Keywords: Economic policy uncertainty; External finance; Information asymmetry; High-tech; Innovation; Investment.

Article link://doi.org/10.1016/j.qref.2022.01.012

Last:Shaoan Huang, Gaowang Wang and Xiaodan Wang of CER at SDU Published an Article in Top Field Journal “Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control” Next:William Mbanyele,HongyunHuang,YafeiLi,Linda T.Muchenje,Fengrong Wang:Corporate social responsibility and green innovation: Evidence from mandatory CSR disclosure laws


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