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- 2017-09-13黄少安:现阶段中国国有企业改革:现实背景、国有经济定位、重点和难点
- 2017-09-13黄少安、陈言、李睿:福利刚性、公共支出结构与福利陷阱
- 2015-09-15黄少安:刘易斯拐点、生育政策与中国产业升级
- 2015-06-12黄少安:谨防中国现阶段的金融风险演化为金融危机
- 2015-01-20吕捷、王高望(通讯):CPI与PPI背离的结构性解释:基于三部门动态随机一般均衡模型的研究
- 2015-01-20Gaowang Wang, Heng-fu Zou,:Foreign Asset Accumulation, Macroeconomic Policies and
- 2014-11-07Luo Yulei,Wang Gaowang,Young Eric:What We Don’t Know Doesn’t Hurt Us: Rational Inattention and the Permanent Income Hypothesis in General Equilibrium
- 2014-01-02Fangfang Xu, Chen Lin, Guoping He, Zaiwen Wen: Nonnegative Matrix Completion for Life-cycle Assessment and Input-ouput Analysis
- 2013-12-26周洪涛:Quantile Vector Autoregression and its Application in China’s Housing Market ( with Z.Liu)
- 2013-12-26周洪涛:Nonparametric Estimation in Time-Varying Mixed Copula (with J.Wu)
- 2013-12-26周洪涛:Modeling Impact Trading Costs
- 2013-12-24周洪涛:A New Investigation on Stock and Oil Market Return Correlation (with N.Sim)
- 2013-12-24周洪涛:On the Predictive Power of the Implied Correlation Index
- 2010-12-03A. Goncu: Pricing precipitation contracts in China
- 2010-12-03A. Goncu and G. Okten:
- 2010-12-03A. Goncu: Pricing temperature-based weather derivatives in China
- 2010-12-03A. Goncu, M. O. Karahan, and T. U. Kuzubas: Pricing of Temperature-based Weather Contracts for Turkey
- 2009-04-14美国次贷危机的法律诱因、立法解危及对我国金融立法的启示
- 2008-02-24第七届中国经济学年会论文选登(1)
- 2007-12-20经济理论、数学运用与经济学的语言:一个基于相关文献的评述
- 2007-12-19经济增长中的合作因素
- 2007-11-26迁徙政策、城市贫困与农村人口向城市迁徙
- 2007-11-12谨防“霍夫曼陷阱” 走重化工业“轻型化”道路
- 2007-10-27财产的最佳利用与遗失物制度的法律选择
- 2007-10-27通货膨胀对资本结构的影响:理论模型与实证研究
- 2007-10-27制度变迁理论评述与理论重构的初步尝试
- 2007-10-15基于多层级选择理论的演化动态分析
- 2007-10-15经济学的语言与语言的经济学
- 2007-10-15体制摩擦中利益集团的博弈和新制度的生成
- 2007-09-19美国访学报告――谢志平教授
- 2007-09-18美国访学报告――魏建教授
- 2007-09-18美国访学报告――陈昆亭教授
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