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G. Okten, E. Salta and A. Goncu: On pricing discrete barrier options using conditional expectation and importance sampling Monte Carlo
Updat:Dec 3, 2010   Author:admin   Click:[]

On pricing discrete barrier options using conditional expectation and importance sampling Monte Carlo

G. Okten,E. Saltaand A. Goncu

Mathematical and Computer Modelling,, Vol. 47, pp. 484-494, 2008


Estimators for the price of a discrete barrier option based on conditional expectation and importance sampling variance reduction techniques are given. There are erroneous formulas for the conditional expectation estimator published in the literature: we derive the correct expression for the estimator. We use a simulated annealing algorithm to estimate the optimal parameters of exponential twisting in importance sampling, and compare it with a heuristic used in the literature. Randomized quasi-Monte Carlo methods are used to further increase the accuracy of the estimators.

Last:G. Okten and A. Goncu: Generating low-discrepancy sequences from the normal distribution: Box-Muller or inverse transform?


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