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G. Okten and A. Goncu: Generating low-discrepancy sequences from the normal distribution: Box-Muller or inverse transform?
Updat:Dec 3, 2010   Author:admin   Click:[]

Generating low-discrepancy sequences from the normal distribution: Box-Muller or inverse transform?

G. Okten and A. Goncu

ForthcomingonMathematical and Computer Modelling

Accepted onNovember 4th, 2010


Quasi-Monte Carlo simulation is a popular numerical method in applications, in particular, economics and finance. Since the normal distribution occurs frequently in economic and financial modeling, one often needs a method to transform low-discrepancy sequences from the uniform distribution to the normal distribution. Two well known methods used with pseudorandom numbers are the Box-Muller and the inverse transformation methods. Some researchers and financial engineers have claimed that it is incorrect to use the Box-Muller method with low-discrepancy sequences, and instead, the inverse transformation method should be used. In this paper we prove that the Box-Muller method can be used with low-discrepancy sequences, and discuss when its use could actually be advantageous. We also present numerical results that compare Box-Muller and inverse transformation methods.

Last:A. Goncu: Pricing temperature-based weather contracts: an application to China Next:G. Okten, E. Salta and A. Goncu: On pricing discrete barrier options using conditional expectation and importance sampling Monte Carlo


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